Detailed Testimonial

Rapid Results

The Australian and New Zealand region has continued to grow during the last calendar year, we’d like to share an example of how we supported a number of businesses to deliver a significant improvement in productivity with a testimonial from last September:
“…Pivotal to the improvement plan was a high impact and involvement program using Focused Improvement Teams; each was a cross functional team of operators who had the best knowledge and the most to gain by improvements. Through a simulation game, the teams learned that the three main ways to increase output of a production line were to increase the run speed of the bottleneck, reduce downtime and optimize accumulation and line control.

Quest for success

There has since been enormous increase in productivity, with the team motivated in its quest to improve.

The record-breaking task

The entire team was determined to break its efficiency record and used various methods; a packer, fitter and electrician ensured the line ran at full speed, free from problems. The team also had its hourly target board to ensure their motivation was maintained.

Did they make it?

Despite the in-feed shaft for the conveyer belt breaking forty minutes before the end of the shift, the team did not give up; rounding all available members on shift, the cans were safely pushed along the conveyor by hand.Within 30 minutes 10 pallets had been moved, breaking their first record and setting an impressive new record of 96% efficiency.

The records keep coming

Incredible achievements have been made, including a new record of 99.4% efficiency, with two pallets at 100%. Other teams also made impressive improvements: Line A set day shifts at 92.2% and shifts over 24 hours at 85.5%, line B day shift is now running at 74% efficiency and night shift at 88.5%.These are inspirational stories of teamwork leading to increased morale and enthusiasm on site. Well done everyone!”


Think you might benefit from our service? Learn a little more about how Lauras International can help simplify processes within your business. Browse some of our free resources, articles, and testimonials. When you're ready to streamline operations and improve your bottom line, contact us.



We have a proven track record in achieving rapid and sustainable productivity improvement. We're proud of our results, and improvement in your bottom line is our goal.