Maintenance Strategy

Many businesses have to live with both poor equipment reliability, and high maintenance cost.  They’d like better reliability, but not at any cost.  Fortunately, there is a way to increase equipment reliability economically with the following balanced approach:

  • Time based maintenance
  • Condition based maintenance
  • Run to failure
  • Maintaining operations for high reliability requires each of the 3 approaches to maintenance.

The exact strategy will depend on current practices and conditions, but will include elements such as:

  • Significant outage investigation system (such as problem solving)
  • Criticality based assessment of assets
  • Machine and equipment ledgers
  • Clean, Inspect, and Tag exercises to stabilize basic conditions, and allow time based maintenance to be effective
  • Engagement of both operators and maintenance technicians
  • Senior management sponsorship

For a gap analysis, and an outline plan on what benefits a best practice maintenance strategy could do for your business, give us a call


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