Changeover and Set-up time Reduction

Lauras International provides all types of improvement support to business:

In today’s globally competitive economy, time is money. On the production floor, the amount of time employees spend setting up a machine to run a new batch or order is more important than ever. Wasted minutes and hours —over the course of weeks and months—can take a big bite out of company profits.

Adopting setup reduction and quick changeover techniques are money-saving tools, which lead to eliminating waste in manufacturing operations. Lauras coaches work with our partners through workshops and rapid events, with the aim of considerably reducing the amount of downtime associated with routine product changeovers.

Learn how Lauras helped one manufacturer save over $107,000 by reducing set-up time in a ten-day workshop : Learn More

Changeover Setup Time Reduction


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We have a proven track record in achieving rapid and sustainable productivity improvement. We're proud of our results, and improvement in your bottom line is our goal.