Q1. Why are you successful?

We use a systematic approach. The key elements of an efficient improvement system being to collect the correct data, analyze and prioritize findings, manage the appropriate resources, implement the necessary improvement action, and demonstrate that sustainable delivery has been achieved.  We develop champions within the businesses using our approach and utilizing our tools, making the changes to existing systems become “the new norm” in operations.

Q2. What can you do for us?

Our goal is to help your team further improve performance, provide an overall plan to systematically improve the performance of the site, and release the opportunity already embedded  within existing systems.

Q3. How would you do this ? / How do you make it sustainable?

Provide an assessment of the total opportunity available for improvement (not necessarily limited by existing barriers) and share a plan for working with your team.  With your endorsement, we begin to educate and coach your team to breakthrough existing barriers and build the improvement plan.

Q4. When can you start?

Our proposed first step would be to hold an initial presentation for your nominated site to ensure that they are part of the decision making process. After this we could start immediately.

Q5. What resources can you provide?

The amount of resource we can provide is related to the time before commencement and the rate of improvement that your team can support across the business. We can plan to meet any of your needs with sufficient notice.

Q6. What can you guarantee/ commit to?

We promise to help you and your team:

  • Improve the performance of any key process by 10% to 30% without capital within 1 to 3 months
  • Develop and successfully transfer the skills they will need to strengthen and complement the improvement systems, reinforcing sustainability of changes
  • Convert your improvements into direct business benefits

Q7. Who would lead the project?

This would depend on the timing, however the project would be led by one of the experienced members of our team.  The nominated leader would be endorsed by the client.

Q8. How many people do you have?

We currently number between 20 and 25 across the world.  We are growing fast though, and expect that number to rise rapidly.

Q9. How do you transfer skills?

Through training and practical coaching of your team.  Once they successfully understand and begin utilizing our tools and methods, we enable them to positively experience the benefit of process improvements and adopt these tools to drive future improvements.

Q10. What differentiates you from all the others?

Some of our approaches are standard in reference to overall concepts and tools which are known to systematically improve performance.  This is the essence of any performance improvement process.  However, our unique strength is that, unlike other firms, we offer a hands on practical approach which engages all levels of operations, allowing for change from the “top down” and “bottom up” and including team members at every level of the organization.

Key differentiations are:

  • Depth of skills transfer
  • Emphasis on rapid up front results and project payback
  • Our senior people work at the site to deliver the projects
  • Focus is on helping our clients to succeed
  • A proven tool kit to implement sustainable improvement

Q11. How do you ensure sustainability?

By demonstrating the effectiveness of utilizing our tools and methodologies, and allowing your team to practice with real problems in your own plants, we enable all levels of the organization to achieve results and buy into the power of these methodologies. We then use the momentum of this new enthusiasm to help implement improved procedures, work practices and structures which encourage more use of new tools and methods.  This results in ownership by team members at all levels for  auditing and maintaining use as an on going practice.

Q12. How long do you need to ensure sustainability?

Depending on the size of the site we typically require between 3 to 4 months to embed the new methodologies and tools within the improvement culture.

Q13. This just seems too good to be true

We feel the same every time – and so do our clients. We implement as fast as the client wishes to move, and this can be very fast or more slowly depending on circumstances.  However, while case studies show the potential to deliver very quick gains, the full benefit of transferring and embedding these skills into the team does take a number of months.  Our comprehensive assessment allows us to help provide more accurate timeframes.  Clients are sometimes skeptical at first, but time after time we produce results that show up in the bottom line.


Think you might benefit from our service? Learn a little more about how Lauras International can help simplify processes within your business. Browse some of our free resources, articles, and testimonials. When you're ready to streamline operations and improve your bottom line, contact us.



We have a proven track record in achieving rapid and sustainable productivity improvement. We're proud of our results, and improvement in your bottom line is our goal.